Monday, February 23, 2009

Resolving Conflict in Marriage


Thank you for the great feedback this week in group. Dealing with conflict in marriage can be a difficult and tricky thing at times. However, it is something that can grow our marriages when it is done right. Let me encourage you to continue practicing the communication skills we learned last week as well as picking a day each week to love on your spouse through their love language. The post below can help you come up with some new ideas. Here are a few highlights from this past Sunday:

  • Remember to keep your list of things you appreciate as well as those things that you wish to change or grow
  • Bring this list to your meeting - Remember to shoot for two a week and plan them in advance

Here are the steps you want to work through in your meeting:

  • Set a time and place for discussion (Not your bedroom)
  • Define the problem or issue of disagreement
  • How do you each contribute to the problem?
  • List past attempts to resolve the issue that were not successful.
  • Brainstorm...List all possible solutions
  • Discuss and evaluate these possible solutions
  • Agree on one solution to TRY
  • Agree on how each individual will work toward this solution
  • Set up another meeting. Discuss your progress.
  • Reward each other as you each contribute toward the solution. (Love Languages are a great way to reward each other!)

We look forward to seeing you Sunday as Carol and Sharon Blackledge teach us what to do when the unexpected happens. Reminder - Be sure to sign up for Sal & Mookie's if you are planning on coming Friday night. We hope to see you there!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Five Love Languages


I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed yesterday. You guys did a fantastic job coming up with creative ways to show love through our love languages. I wanted to remind you of some the things you came up with for each of the languages:

Quality Time
Saturday morning couch time, running errands together, weekend trip, dine together, date night, do one of their hobbies with them, talk about their day without trying to "fix things"

Physical Touch
Make the time, Hugs & kisses often, massage, give ourselves, communication

Acts of Service
Cook a meal, Do the dishes, Clean up, Take care of the car, Run errands for them, Laundry, Help out with whatever they are doing, cut the grass, watch the kids, express gratitude, handle finances - all with a good attitude

Receiving Gifts
Quality vs. quantity, doesn't matter what the gift is the thought that counts, occasion is unimportant, gift ideas: spa packages, cook dinner, books, piece of their favorite chocolate

Words of Affirmation
Notes of praise, recognise them in public, affirming them for their character, encouragement, spur them on to try new things, ask them what you can do for them, be sincere in what you do, emails, link your love language to theirs

Remember, pick a day this week and love on your spouse using their love language! See if they notice it! Check out the site below to find additional ways to love on your spouse this week!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tools for the Journey

I don't know about you, but I have really enjoyed the teaching over the last several weeks in the YM Class. The Edgars and Moncriefs have been doing an incredible job of pointing us to God's Word as well as the expectations and traditions that we all bring into marriage. I really appreciated the Blackledges sharing that marriage is the hardest thing they have ever done. After thinking about it for a minute, I couldn't agree with them more. Let's just be honest...when it is good it is great, but when it isn't, it can be pretty difficult.

Over the next two weeks, we will look at some "tools" that will help us navigate through some of the difficult times as well as embrace and celebrate the good times. Reach out to any of your YM friends and invite them to come be a part of what God is doing on Sunday mornings at 11:00.

Your Young Married Team